Hong Kong Visa for Indians

As an Indian citizen, obtaining a visa to visit Hong Kong is a straightforward process. Hong Kong offers a convenient pre-arrival registration (PAR) option for Indian nationals who wish to visit the city for tourism or sightseeing purposes.

Types of Hong Kong Visas for Indians

There are several types of visas available for Indian citizens, depending on the purpose of their visit:

  1. Visit visa: This visa is for short-term visits, tourism, and general business purposes.
  2. Work visa: For individuals seeking employment or engaging in work activities in Hong Kong.
  3. Investment visa: This is for entrepreneurs and investors who wish to establish or join a business in Hong Kong.
  4. Dependant visa: For family members of individuals with valid employment or study visas in Hong Kong.
  5. Student visa: This visa is for Indian students who wish to study in Hong Kong.
  6. Transit visa: For short stays or people transiting through Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Pre-Arrival Registration (PAR) for Indians

The Hong Kong pre-arrival registration is an electronic document that gives Indians travel authorization, allowing them to enter Hong Kong. The PAR for Indian nationals allows multiple entries to the country for 6 months, after which it will expire. You are not allowed to exceed the limited stay period of 14 days.

To apply for a Hong Kong PAR, you will need the following documents:

  • Valid Indian passport with a minimum validity of 6 months from the time of entry into Hong Kong
  • Valid email ID to receive the notification slip for pre-arrival registration
  • Passport photo (can be uploaded through a visa photo maker)

The Hong Kong visa fee for Indians is ₹375. If you wish to stay in Hong Kong for more than 14 days, you must apply for a Hong Kong visit visa.

Applying for a Hong Kong Visa without PAR

If the PAR is not an option or if you are applying for a different type of visa, such as a work visa or student visa, you can apply directly to the Hong Kong Immigration Department. The process involves:

  1. Filling out the Hong Kong visa application form
  2. Gathering the required documents, which may include proof of relationship, financial proof, and other supporting documents
  3. Submitting the application and documents to the Hong Kong Immigration Department

The processing time for a Hong Kong visa may take up to 5 working days, but it can extend to 8 working days in some cases.

Visa-free Travel to Hong Kong

Hong Kong allows visa-free travel to citizens of over 150 countries and regions, with the duration of permitted stay ranging from seven to 180 days, depending on the traveler’s passport. However, Indian passport holders must complete pre-arrival registration before traveling to Hong Kong.

Extending Your Hong Kong Visa

If you need to extend your Hong Kong visa, you must have a valid reason and provide documentary proof. The extension application must be made at least 7 days prior to the expiry of the existing permit.


Obtaining a Hong Kong visa for Indians is a straightforward process, thanks to the pre-arrival registration option. Whether you’re visiting for tourism, business, or other purposes, it’s essential to understand the visa requirements and apply well in advance to ensure a smooth travel experience.

Disclaimer – The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Visa requirements and procedures are subject to change. Verify information with relevant authorities before making decisions. The author and publisher disclaim liability for any loss or damage resulting from use or misuse of the information. Consult with a qualified immigration professional or the Hong Kong Immigration Department for specific advice regarding individual circumstances.

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